Case Study



Rockwood helps leaders develop and deliver impactful and visually appealing messages to the right people, at the right time, through the right channels, in the right format to increase transparency, evoke action, and drive strategic and tactical results.

The Client

The client is a DoD Component agency with an insider threat team accountable for ensuring the military, DoD civilian, and Defense Industrial Base workforce were well informed about insider threat indicators, risks, patterns, and steps one can take to safeguard information and people in a classified environment.

Client Challenge

The client required expert communications support to develop and prototype an annual awareness campaign to inform and educate the DoD and the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) on reducing insider threat risks. The client sought messaging, materials, events, toolkits, and social platform support to communicate this critical topic in a persistent and impactful manner. 

Rockwood’s Approach

Rockwood executed the following approach: 

  • Developed and executed a communications strategy for Insider Threat Awareness Month and the Insider Threat Awareness Everyday Campaign.

  • Created informative and engaging social media posts – across the insider threat team’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts – to reinforce insider threat education.

  • Developed a communications plan and supporting content for a web-based app that provided up-to-date information on insider threat training opportunities.

  • Developed messaging and visually appealing materials for all insider threat external communications, including a monthly GovDelivery Bulletin. Promoted webinars and posted all communications products to the agency’s website. 

  • Refreshed the Insider Threat Toolkit with informative flyers and graphics to educate audiences on how to detect and mitigate insider threats.


As a result of Rockwood’s communications support, the client enhanced its reach across the DoD and reinforced the importance of continuous training and vigilance to defend against insider threats. By creating persuasive and informative messaging targeted to specific audiences across multiple channels, Rockwood improved national security as DoD and the DIB are better prepared to identify and mitigate insider threats.

 Equipped with Rockwood’s long-term communications strategy and the examples and templates created during the one-year contract, the client insider threat team continues to produce informative communications to educate the DoD and the DIB on insider threats.

Rockwood deliverables were always clear, on point, and visually pleasing, which increased the absorption of the material.
— DoD Agency SES
I feel like there are a lot of people ‘faking it till you make it’ in this industry and with the companies we run into. The pros are varsity level. Your company—you’re pros. I [would] like to acknowledge you because your company is really outstanding. The messaging, the posts, the graphics—all around, really impressive work.
— DoD Agency GS15